Monday, April 30, 2007

Dishcloth contest

Aside from all the little and trivial day to day niceties that we are afforded every summer, I will truely be thankfull if me and my family have a healthy and accident free summer. That is all I could ask for. Last summer, shortly after he turned two, my eldest son was diagnosed with a childhood form of hemolytic anemia. Thankfully it was treated and cured and there have been (and should not be any more) no relapses. Scared the life out of me. It of course happened on a weekend and we took him to the local emergency room. Not fun. Apparently, when a child has cause-unknown anemia, the first thing that comes out of a doctor's mouth is leukemia. I am truely amazed that I am not as starkly grey-haired as I feel I should be. But, thankfully, after the blood work they did they found what was wrong and were able to do what they needed to do. A year later now, and I am hopefully looking forward to a happy and peaceful summer. (If only broken by the occasional Band-Aid!)

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